Infectious Disease and Human Origins: Susan Kaech - Human Adaptive Immunity Against Viral Infections (Date: 6/12/2020)
Infectious Disease and Human Origins - Nissi Varki Amanda Lewis (Date: 6/11/2020)
The Impact of Infectious Disease on Humans and our Origins: Questions Answers and Discussion (Date: 6/10/2020)
Infectious Disease and Human Origins: Sujan Shresta-Dengue and Zika: Mosquito-Borne Viral Infections (Date: 6/9/2020)
The Evolution of Infectious Diseases with Justin Meyer - Lecture 19 - 2nd Half Review (Date: 6/9/2020)
Infectious Disease and our Origins:Manuela Raffatellu-Salmonella in Humans and Other Animals (Date: 6/8/2020)
Infectious Disease:Victor Nizet-Streptococcal Molecular Mimicry: Pathogenesis Autoimmunity Vaccines (Date: 6/7/2020)
Infectious Disease and our Origins: Robert Schooley-SARS CoV-2: A Third Coronavirus Takes to the Air (Date: 6/6/2020)
Infectious Disease and Human Origins - Elizabeth Winzeler Sujan Shresta Manuela Raffatellu (Date: 6/6/2020)
The Evolution of Infectious Diseases with Justin Meyer: Lecture 18 - SARS-CoV-2 Evolution (Date: 6/5/2020)
Infectious Disease: Amanda Lewis - Infections of the Reproductive Tract in Women (Date: 6/3/2020)
Infectious Disease and Human Origins: Elizabeth Winzeler-Malignant Malaria in Humans (Date: 6/3/2020)
Climate Change and SARS-CoV-2 (Date: 6/2/2020)
The Evolution of Infectious Diseases with Justin Meyer: Lecture 17 - HIV Evolution (Date: 6/2/2020)
Infectious Disease and our Origins: Nissi Varki - Are There Human-Specific infectious Diseases? (Date: 6/1/2020)
COVID-19: What We Have Learned (Date: 5/30/2020)
The Evolution of Infectious Diseases with Justin Meyer: Lecture 16 - Influenza Evolution (Date: 5/29/2020)
The Evolution of Infectious Diseases with Justin Meyer: Lecture 15 - Host-Range Expansion Evolution (Date: 5/26/2020)
The Evolution of Infectious Diseases: SIR Models: Predicting Pathogen Spread and Virulence Evolution (Date: 5/22/2020)
Epidemic Diseases: Our Constant Companion (Date: 5/20/2020)
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