My Droplet of Fate Reflects the Jewish Ocean: The Legacy of Béla Pásztor (Date: 1/20/2025)
The Kindness of Strangers: Survival in Linz London and Shanghai (Date: 6/14/2024)
The Forgotten History of Right-Wing Terrorism in Postwar West Germany (Date: 5/16/2024)
The Pope at War: The Secret History of Pius XII Mussolini and Hitler (Date: 2/2/2024)
Civilized Europe and the Onset of the Holocaust (Date: 1/5/2024)
German Big Business and the Holocaust (Date: 7/10/2023)
Death and Survival on Holocaust Landscapes (Date: 7/11/2022)
Hugo Marcus: A Muslim Jew Under the Swastika (Date: 4/25/2022)
Franci’s War – with Helen Epstein (Date: 11/2/2021)
Mengele: Unmasking the Angel of Death with David Marwell (Date: 6/15/2021)
Trauma Memory and the Art of Survival with Gabriella Karin (Date: 6/24/2020)
Shoah: Four Sisters (Date: 6/25/2019)