Dodging the Sisters: Why Queer Nuns Keep Going Viral (Date: 2/3/2025)
Disenchantment of the World with Philip Gorski (Date: 9/10/2024)
Walter Capps and the Study of Religion (Part 2) (Date: 7/15/2024)
Walter Capps and the Study of Religion (Part 1) (Date: 7/10/2024)
Walter Capps and the Value of the Humanities (Date: 6/19/2024)
Finding the Common Good with Michael Sandel (Date: 4/13/2023)
An Evening with Cornel West - Writer's Symposium by the Sea 2022 (Date: 4/1/2022)
Ministering to the LGBTQ Community: A Personal Journey with James Martin (Date: 3/23/2022)
Altered States of the Human Mind: Altered States in Human Rituals (Date: 4/11/2021)
The Talmud as Icon (Date: 8/26/2020)
Translating the Bible (Date: 4/15/2020)
Conversation on Immigration (Date: 12/10/2019)
A Path Forward: Breaking Down Barriers and Building Connections with Youth (Date: 11/14/2019)
My First Rosh Hashanah Since Leaving Orthodox Jewish Faith (Date: 10/9/2018)
If Kinship Were the Goal of Society (Date: 9/11/2018)