Explore the extraordinary lives of the Chickasaw people. Through both documentary and dramatic films we proudly present encounters with Hernando De Soto and Spanish Conquistadors, world renowned actress Te Ata, the youngest licensed pilot in American history, and much much more.
Amid the political season, this video collection shifts focus from daily headlines to explore the development of American democracy. It delves into the nation's political landscape, historical milestones, and influential ideas while also examining pivotal movements, figures, and the pressing challenges facing democracy today. Discover how America's past informs its present, offering context to the complex issues shaping the ongoing journey of its democratic principles.
Join us as we celebrate the 50th anniversary of the discovery of "Lucy," one of the most iconic fossils in human history. This new CARTA series delves into the profound impact of Lucy's discovery on the science of human origins, featuring leading experts who explore the discovery's initial significance, its enduring influence, and the current advancements in this pivotal field. Reignite your curiosity about how we became human and why it matters for our global future.
The story starts on November 24, 1974, following a long, hot morning of mapping and surveying fossils at the site of Hadar in Ethiopia. Before leaving to head back to camp, paleoanthropologist Donald Johanson and graduate student Tom Gray decided to investigate a small gully that had previously been checked twice before by other workers. […]
In a recent seminar from the Southern California Stem Cell Seminar Series, Dr. Michael Lane, a leader in spinal cord injury research, shed light on groundbreaking strategies that may change how we think about nerve repair and recovery. If you or a loved one has been affected by spinal cord injuries, these insights offer a […]