A Career in Latin Music: Darlene Lopez (Date: 12/18/2024)
From Dreams to Degrees: How Reality Changers Transforms Lives (Date: 10/6/2024)
Finding a Path to Your Passions with Kaitlyn Avila (Date: 7/24/2023)
Creating a Meaningful College Experience with Ximena Gonzalez (Date: 6/29/2023)
A Career Supporting Students with Mario Garibay (Date: 5/2/2023)
Culture Community and Career Plans with Vianey Valdez (Date: 1/5/2023)
A First Generation Transfer Student with Alondra Osuna (Date: 12/13/2022)
A Growing Legacy in STEM: The Gonzalez Family (Date: 11/10/2022)
A First Generation CEO's Journey with Liz Ramírez (Date: 11/3/2022)
A Life in Literature with First Gen Ph.D. Candidate Jessica Aguilar (Date: 9/14/2022)
Becoming a Philosophy Professor with Manuel Vargas (Date: 8/11/2022)
Success Coaching: Empowering First-Generation College Students (Date: 7/20/2022)
Becoming a Doctor and Being Embedded in Community with Natalie Rodriguez - Mi Camino (Date: 5/12/2022)
Mentoring for All (Date: 5/2/2022)
From San Francisco to San Diego: The First Generation College Experience with Charlie L. Morales (Date: 3/8/2022)
Resources for Undocumented Students (Date: 12/8/2021)
Applying to College: The UC San Diego Experience (Date: 12/6/2021)
How College Impacts a Family: A Parent Perspective (Date: 12/2/2021)
UC San Diego Transfer Hub (Date: 11/30/2021)
Finding Community and Mentorship as a Transfer Student with Caesar Aceituno (Date: 11/29/2021)
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