A Time for Change Now with Rev. Dr. Bernice King (Date: 7/24/2024)
Walter Capps and the Study of Religion (Part 2) (Date: 7/15/2024)
Walter Capps and the Study of Religion (Part 1) (Date: 7/10/2024)
Walter Capps and the Value of the Humanities (Date: 6/19/2024)
The Kindness of Strangers: Survival in Linz London and Shanghai (Date: 6/14/2024)
Inherited Black Futures Shaping Tomorrow Through Ancestral Craft with Jake Blount (Date: 3/16/2024)
Cannibalism Warfare And Food Shortages In Renaissance Rome (Date: 1/19/2024)
Bad Mexicans and the 1910 Revolution (Date: 8/7/2023)
What’s Fascism Got to Do With It? The Ideological Origins of the Holocaust (Date: 3/12/2023)
La Manplesa: An Uprising Remembered (Date: 2/9/2023)
Digging into Local Archives: Approaches and Methods for Planning Research (Date: 9/23/2022)
Death and Survival on Holocaust Landscapes (Date: 7/11/2022)
Hugo Marcus: A Muslim Jew Under the Swastika (Date: 4/25/2022)
How Civil Wars Start and How To Stop Them (Date: 4/9/2022)
The Moral Triangle: Germans Israelis Palestinians with Sa’ed Atshan and Katharina Galor (Date: 3/30/2022)
The Lemon Grove Incident and the Making of a History Professor with Luis Alvarez (Date: 11/30/2021)
Franci’s War – with Helen Epstein (Date: 11/2/2021)
Dark Persuasion - The History of Brainwashing from Pavlov to Social Media (Date: 10/30/2021)
Mengele: Unmasking the Angel of Death with David Marwell (Date: 6/15/2021)
Sexual Barter in Times of Genocide: Reflections on Sexual Violence Agency and Sex Work (Date: 3/18/2021)
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