Art for Recovery (Date: 8/3/2021)
Movement is Medicine (Date: 7/24/2021)
The Essential Role of Music Therapy in Pediatric Health Care (Date: 7/23/2021)
The Neuroscience of Creativity (Date: 7/16/2021)
The Role of Music in Dementia Caregiving Relationships (Date: 7/9/2021)
Integrative Therapy to Manage Anxiety and Reduce Stress (Date: 5/16/2021)
CARTA: Altered States of the Human Mind: Ann Taves Read Montague Tom Csordas (Date: 4/23/2021)
CARTA: Altered States of the Human Mind: Intersectional Neuroscience: Meditation and Diversity (Date: 4/21/2021)
Read Montague - The Neural Underpinnings of Mindfulness (Date: 4/19/2021)
Add Stretching to Your Daily Regimen (Date: 1/22/2021)
On Resilience: Realists are Optimists (Date: 9/18/2020)
Maximizing Potential – Understanding the Dimension of Neurodiversity (Date: 5/14/2020)
Your Self Care Toolkit: Simple Exercise and Mindfulness Ideas for Parents (Date: 5/12/2020)
What to Do When You Are At Your Wits End: Dealing with Emotions While Distance Learning (Date: 4/30/2020)
The Neuroscience of Meditation Mindfulness and Compassion (Date: 4/3/2020)
The Power of the Mind-Body Connection (Date: 6/4/2019)
What is Burnout? (Date: 9/18/2018)
Illness Identity and Suffering (Date: 7/12/2018)
Eating Beyond Nutritional Needs: Overeating and Binge Eating (Date: 7/3/2018)
Future Patient: Larry Smarr PhD (Date: 6/8/2018)
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