Closing the Gap: Scientific Advances and Ethical Ramifications (Date: 1/5/2016)
UC San Diego Founders Symposium 2015 (Date: 12/21/2015)
The Philosophy of As If with Kwame Anthony Appiah (Date: 4/13/2015)
Identity and Cosmopolitanism with Kwame Anthony Appiah - Conversations with History (Date: 4/13/2015)
Plato at the Googleplex with Rebecca Goldstein-- Helen Edison Lecture Series (Date: 2/9/2015)
The Theoretical Impulse in Plato and Aristotle (Date: 7/14/2014)
A Conversation with Noam Chomsky (Date: 5/5/2014)
The Intersection of Neuroscience and Philosophy - On Our Mind (Date: 3/17/2014)
Reason Genealogy and the Hermeneutics of Magnanimity with Robert Brandom (Date: 6/17/2013)
The Evolution of Religion Society and Consciousness with Ursula King - Burke Lecture (Date: 1/1/2013)
Happiness and Ultimate Good with Peter Singer (Date: 11/26/2012)
Conversations with History: Peter Singer (Date: 6/11/2012)
Death and the Ancient Philosophers with Jonathan Barnes (Date: 6/4/2012)
Neuroscience and the Emerging Mind: A Conversation with the Dalai Lama (Date: 5/28/2012)
Valuing with Samuel Scheffler - Conversations with History (Date: 5/14/2012)
Happiness and Tranquility with Myles Burnyeat (Date: 4/6/2012)
Population and Practical Reason with Amartya Sen (Date: 3/30/2012)
Anger and Revenge with Myles Burnyeat (Date: 3/30/2012)
Ancient Freedoms with Myles Burnyeat (Date: 3/23/2012)
Body and Soul in Plato and Descartes with Sarah Broadie (Date: 3/16/2012)
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