Capital Punishment: Influence of Race and Ethnicity (Date: 3/27/2019)
LatinX Communities Race and the Criminal Justice System (Date: 3/22/2019)
Policing Latinx Communities (Date: 3/18/2019)
Black Power Jewish Politics: Reinventing the Alliance in the 1960s (Date: 2/27/2019)
Police Accountability and Profiling by Proxy with Andrea Headley -- In the Arena with Jonathan Stein (Date: 2/11/2019)
Building Beloved Community - Traci Blackmon - Burke Lectureship on Religion and Society (Date: 5/23/2018)
There Were No African-Americans In My Textbooks - Kareem Abdul-Jabbar (Date: 4/13/2018)
Preparing For Life After Incarceration with Nicholas Alexander -- In the Arena with Jonathan Stein (Date: 6/12/2017)
Sabhanaz Diya Featured Student Speaker -- Goldman School of Public Policy Board Dinner March 2017 (Date: 5/2/2017)
Truth as a Common Good with Robert Reich (Date: 4/24/2017)
The Cost of Color: The Health and Social Consequences of Skin Color for People Today (Date: 4/24/2017)
An Evening with Tim Wise: A White Anti-Racist Advocate (Date: 4/17/2017)
Hidden Figures - Script to Screen (Date: 3/13/2017)
Integrating Immigrants with Mary C. Waters and John Skrentny (Date: 2/13/2017)
A New Language of Justice: Policing Race and Identity Traps in the Era of Trump (Date: 2/6/2017)
Politics Unusual: Will Surging Outsiders Finally Make America Multipartisan? (Date: 10/25/2016)
Surreal Politics: How Anxiety About Race Gender and Inequality is Shaping the 2016 Campaign (Date: 10/24/2016)
In The Arena with Carmen Chu and Jonathan Stein (Date: 10/10/2016)
In The Arena with David Gray and Jonathan Stein (Date: 10/8/2016)
In The Arena with Megan E. Garcia and Jonathan Stein (Date: 10/3/2016)
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