Guantanamo Bay: A U.S. Army Chaplain’s Struggle for Justice (7/23/2007)
Challenges for U.S. National Security Policy with Anthony Zinni (6/4/2007)
A Wake on the Pier (6/4/2007)
Take Command: 10 Leadership Principles I Learned in the Military and Put to Work for Donald Trump (3/5/2007)
The U.S. Military Abroad (3/5/2007)
Revolutions in Military Affairs and the War on Terror, with Max Boot (Conversations with History) (1/1/2007)
Osher UCSD: "Presidential Accountability in War or the Hippopotamus and the Butterfly" with Wade Sanders (10/23/2006)
War Talk: "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" (5/29/2006)
Thirty Years After Vietnam: Myths, Lessons and Closure with Quang X. Pham (8/8/2005)
War Talk: A Student Marine Tells His Story (7/4/2004)
Daniel Ellsberg: Secrets: Vietnam and the Pentagon Papers (1/6/2003)
Remembering the Vietnam War, with Neil Sheehan (Conversations with History) ()
Recollections from a Military Career, with Elmo R. Zumwalt (Conversations with History) ()
Education and Leadership in the Military, with Charles R. Larson (Conversations with History) ()
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